AUGUST 9 - 24, 2024

Gaslight (verb): A form of psychological manipulation where a person seeks to make a targeted individual or group question their own memory, perception and sanity.
Bella Manningham is on edge. She’s hearing footsteps in the night, pictures are moving by themselves and the gaslights in the drawing room dim without a touch. Her husband, who is constantly vanishing without a word, tells her she may be losing her mind, and she slowly begins to believe him. As her grip on reality begins to slip, she finds herself at the epicentre of a terrible mystery...
This mind-bending 1930s Victorian thriller spawned the term 'gaslighting' and remains as relevant as ever.
"I was on the edge of my seat. Beautifully directed, wonderful acting and high production values to boot. Don’t miss it!!!"
"One of the best plays I've seen locally. The acting was slick and engaging - all very strong superior performances. The set - WOW!!! Everything just came together perfectly."
Tickets: Adult $30 | Concession $25
Content: Adult themes
Duration: 2 hours 30 minutes including intermission
An Amateur Production by arrangement with ORiGiN Theatrical on behalf of Samuel French Ltd.

Photography by Luke Bitschkat